Tuesday, January 27, 2004

It has begun.

Damn it man. I still have not even started creating FunkyBone.com. I do, however, have the domain nailed down. Blogger.com will have to be my temporary posting spot until I can get my server set up. Either way...

Welcome to FunkyBone. The life, times, and adventures of a regular guy..... in a pimp suit. I am that regular guy, AT, and for our first session, we will be interviewing a hip dude who calls himself HeRpeS. HeRpeS is a video game junkie and is one of the elites that plays Halo on XBConnect.com. Not to mention, he's one of my homies.

AT- So HeRpS, how did you come up with the name?

HeRpeS- Well, it kinda started as a joke. During Halo game play, when your character kills someone, a message appears on the screen telling that person who killed them. For instance, if I kill a dude online it will say, "You were killed by HeRpeS." My buddies and I thought it was funny, so we started playing with names like Herpes and Syphilis. After a while, we had reps and decided to keep the names, even though I see kids online copying us quite often.

A- Does that bother you?

H- Not really. People know now when they are playing the real HeRpeS.

A- How often do you play Halo?

H- (Laughs) Too often. I play nearly every day now, but it goes through spurts. Sometimes I won't play at all for a week or more.

A- We hear that you and Syphi are some really bad men when it comes to multi-player. Is that truly the case?

H- We typically do pretty well. (Smiles) We can hold our own, let's leave it at that.

A- Well thank you HeRpS for coming by the studio today. I sure enjoyed hearing from you and I'm sure the fans did too. We all look forward to next time.

H- Thanks AT. It was nice being here. See you next time.

Well peeps, that's all the time we have for now, but don't fret none. I will be back later with news, site updates, and here in the next few posts I will be sharing some of "AT's Life: Greatest Hits." So add this web address to your favorites and check in often, 'cause you don't want to miss that.

Peace out.


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