Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Chicken Legs

So I go over to my buddy Mark's house Sunday night for some beer and bbq. There's about 8 people there drinking and having a good ole time when I show up. Mark had Bratwurst, Italian sausage, chicken legs, and 'kraut all cooking in the smoker. I don't know whether he was expecting the staff from Disney or what, but he probably had 50 chicken legs and 20 sausages burning. Seemed like an awful lot of meat for 8 people.

Anyway, as the night rolled on, and people got drunk, the group began to thin a bit, until there was just 4 of us hanging around. There was damn near a grill full of chicken legs left. I don't know what Mark was thinking, but all of a sudden, he grabs a leg out of the smoker, chucks it out of the backyard towards the road, and yells, "CAT FOOD!" Everyone was laughing, until the leg landed in the back of Dave's truck. Dave is really sensitive about his truck. So he proceeds to start tossing legs onto the roof of Mark's garage. Like a machine gun, it was one after another, after another. I'm laughing my ass off, telling Mark that he won't be able to have a party out there for a while due to the overwhelming smell of decaying flesh emanating from his roof. So Mark grabs a leg and nails Dave in chest as he's heaving a thigh skyward. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the beginning of the first chicken part food fight that I have ever seen. There was chicken flying everywhere. I'd hate to know what Mark's backyard smells like now... two days later. Needless to say, those two came out of it with grease stains in the shape of chicken legs all over their clothes. And probably bruises in the same shape.

Anyone else ever hear of a chicken leg fight?



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